Thursday, 6 February 2014

Have Armed Robbers Ever Visited You Before? Please Share Your Story

Where you travelling & you got Ambushed like I once experienced some years back... and I could recall how different thoughts kept running through my mine as they told us to lie down and finally shot my uncle. Thank God we all survived.

Where you in the comfort of your home and you got attacked by this so called men of the underworld? 

 I know it's a little bit traumatic but you can still share with us and recount your ordeals here and even drop an advice or opinion on how to try and escape this horrifying experience.


  1. yuzedo: Another tale involving my uncle this time (who is a major power-broker) happened in the 90's too.
    Robbers came to his house and this dude is a real strong man, not all them Kitty-Cat niggers that carry mopol everywhere. Having gained entrance into his compound, the first shot the trained alsatian dog (the other one quickly saw what they did to his dead colleague and bailed the fuc.k out fast! grin dog quickly ran to Chisco park looking for bus to convey it to its village! tongue
    My uncle na, ever-agile just packed his young family inside master bedroom where the household started praying, the guy wasn't sure if they were assassins or just robbers cos they were plenty and the guy is a businessman/politician. . So he gives his younger bro ammo to be reloading for him (that one claimed he got gun and was providing covering fire sha, we never confirm) and my uncle started returning blasting away these beasts like he was Duke Nukem! angry
    Trust me, this is the most epic battle u've heard of in lagos, but the story long small. If u want me to continue, u have to indicate wink but if I'll just waste my time typing, lemme jejely do these financials

  2. I remember one experience that happened last year. It was a Friday night and I was staying with a friend around Ilasa that period. Often times, I preferred sleeping on the balcony due to constant power outage but that night I chose not to. After being served dinner by his fiancee and younger sister, we all got gisting and we were 6 in all at home. We only locked the net leading to the balcony and left the door unlocked. I was woken up around 1:30am by his younger sister that there were thieves in the compound. He stays on the 1st floor and she was braved to quickly lock the iron door.

    All we knew was that they were many and found their way into the compound by forcing the gate opened. They knocked on the security man's door according to his story later in the morning but he claimed he chose not to attend to them and all he did was to hold his dagger positioning himself to attack them should they attack him.
    They knocked on the apartment downstairs but they couldn't gain access because it was an iron door. The lady said she actually woke up but the husband and her baby did not and because when she first came into Lagos that was how they were robbed in her uncle's house she has learnt never to attend to people who knock at unholy hours of the night. They tried climbing on the fence as a means of coming upstairs but guess they got hurt by the iron bars on the fence which was there for protection. We woke up in the morning and on the window of the passenger side of my car we saw blood finger prints.

    They were in the neighborhood for over an hour as they went to the compound opposite us and all we saw was that they kept runnning everywhere inside the house which was a face me i face you. Funny enough, my friend's younger brother called the police who gave us an emergency number which we called and they promised showing up to no avail. He suggested we all go into the ceiling to hifde but I told them i wasn't willing to take such risk so I brought out a N1000 from my wallet and kept it in the pocket of the trouser I wore the previous day and then hid my wallet. I also brought my blackberry and kept it around me and told the others if they wanted they could go hide in the ceiling that I would cover up for them that they all went to the vigil if those guys got access upstairs.

    The Police did not show until after they left because we called them about an hour after and they claimed they were very close. After they left and we called back to tell them they had left, within 10minutes, they came around and I was like, they were only waiting for those guys to leave before they come. It was a very nasty experience.

    Outside that, I have had some close experiences like driving on Eko Bridge, they have robbed the car beside me once, like 2 cars ahead of me at another time and so then, I started making sure I do not leave the office earlier than 10 because I don't want to experience traffic just to avoid being robbed.

    Growing up too in the early 90's, there was so much robbery in Festac but the good thing was that we had people who usually fought them so it was never successful as they usually exchanged bullets in the night and then in the morning you get to know whose house they attacked.


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